Stepping In, Instead of Stepping Away: Kids Need, and Want, Caring Adults in Their Lives
Although young people become more peer-focused during the teen years, parents and caring adults still have an important role in their lives. Dr. Saewyc will share the recent results from the BC Adolescent Health Survey, and what nearly 30,000 students had to say about their mental health and the importance of connectedness to families, schools, and other caring adults.
Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc is a Professor in Nursing and Adolescent Medicine at the University of British Columbia. She is Executive Director of the Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC), and is Research Director for the McCreary Centre Society, which conducts the BC Adolescent Health Survey in schools every 5 years. She is a Fellow in the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, and in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Dr. Saewyc has nearly 20 years of working with young people, their families and their schools in Canada and the US in both research and community health care.
2014-04-04 6:20:00 PM

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